Harvard Recommendation Letters Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on crafting impressive letters of recommendation for your Harvard University application. Here, we will provide you with valuable insights and tips on how to navigate the Harvard admission process and meet the requirements for strong recommendation letters.

At Harvard University, letters of recommendation hold significant weight in the admission process. They provide insights into your character, achievements, and potential contributions to the university’s community. It is essential to understand the recommended format and guidelines for writing compelling letters that will capture the attention of the admissions committee.

In this guide, we will cover everything from how to request recommendation letters to what makes a strong letter and how to showcase diversity in your recommendations. We will also delve into crafting personal statements that align with Harvard’s values and cultivating relationships with your recommenders. Lastly, we’ll discuss the process of submitting and tracking your recommendation letters, ensuring they reach the admissions office on time.

By following our guidance, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the Harvard University admission process with confidence, armed with powerful recommendation letters that highlight your unique strengths and accomplishments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the importance of letters of recommendation in the Harvard admission process
  • Requesting letters of recommendation professionally and effectively
  • Tips for crafting strong letters of recommendation
  • Aligning personal statements with Harvard University’s expectations
  • Building strong relationships with your recommenders

Understanding the Importance of Letters of Recommendation

When it comes to your Harvard University application, letters of recommendation hold significant weight. These letters provide valuable insight into your character, achievements, and potential, helping the admissions committee get a holistic understanding of who you are. Understanding the importance of these recommendations is crucial for maximizing your chances of acceptance.

But what exactly should you know about letters of recommendation for Harvard? Let’s dive into the recommended format and guidelines for writing these compelling recommendations that capture the attention of the admissions committee.

“Letters of recommendation are windows into your abilities, accomplishments, and character. They provide an outside perspective on your qualifications, giving the admissions committee a deeper understanding of your potential.”

When crafting your letters of recommendation, it’s essential to follow the recommended format. This ensures that your recommendations are well-structured, concise, and easy for the admissions committee to review. While there may be variations in specific requirements, a typical format for a strong letter of recommendation includes the following sections:

  1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction, stating your relationship with the applicant and how long you have known them.
  2. Context: Provide context by mentioning your position, experience, and qualifications that make you a credible recommender.
  3. Qualities and Skills: Highlight the applicant’s unique qualities, skills, and strengths that are relevant to their Harvard application. Be specific and provide examples to support your claims.
  4. Accomplishments: Discuss the applicant’s notable accomplishments and contributions, showcasing their impact and potential for success at Harvard.
  5. Conclusion: End the letter with a strong conclusion, reiterating your recommendation and expressing your confidence in the applicant’s abilities.

By following this format and incorporating specific guidelines for writing letters of recommendation, you can create compelling and convincing recommendations that strengthen your Harvard application. The following guidelines can further enhance the impact of your recommendations:

  • Be specific: Provide concrete examples and anecdotes that illustrate the applicant’s exceptional qualities and achievements.
  • Highlight growth: Discuss the applicant’s growth and improvement over time, demonstrating their ability to overcome challenges and continuously develop.
  • Personalize the letter: Tailor the letter to the applicant’s interests, goals, and aspirations, showcasing their fit with Harvard’s academic community.
  • Proofread and revise: Ensure your recommendation is free from errors, and review it for clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness.

By adhering to these guidelines and crafting well-written letters of recommendation, you can significantly enhance your chances of leaving a lasting impression on the admissions committee and securing your place at Harvard University.

Requesting Letters of Recommendation

When applying to Harvard University, securing strong letters of recommendation is a critical part of your application. These letters provide valuable insights into your character, abilities, and potential as a student. To successfully request letters of recommendation from your teachers, mentors, or supervisors, it’s important to follow best practices and approach this process professionally.

Approaching Potential Recommenders

When deciding who to ask for a letter of recommendation, consider individuals who can speak to your academic performance, work ethic, leadership skills, and personal qualities. Approach potential recommenders early in the application process to allow ample time for them to write thoughtful letters on your behalf. Schedule a meeting or send a polite email explaining the purpose of the request.

Providing Relevant Information

When reaching out to your recommenders, provide them with the necessary information to write a strong and personalized letter. This includes details about your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and any specific experiences or skills you would like them to highlight. Sharing your personal statement or resume can also help them gain a comprehensive understanding of your background.

Follow Up Professionally

After requesting a letter of recommendation, it’s important to follow up with your recommenders to ensure they have all the information they need and to express your gratitude for their assistance. Be respectful of their time, as they may have multiple requests to consider. Sending a polite reminder closer to the deadline can help ensure your letters are submitted on time.

By approaching potential recommenders professionally, providing them with relevant information, and following up appropriately, you can increase the chances of obtaining strong letters of recommendation for your Harvard University application.

What Makes a Strong Letter of Recommendation?

When it comes to your Harvard University application, strong letters of recommendation can be a game-changer. They provide valuable insights into your character, abilities, and potential, helping the admissions committee to paint a more comprehensive picture of who you are as a candidate. But what exactly makes a letter of recommendation stand out from the rest? Here are some insider tips to help you craft an impactful recommendation:

1. Personalization is Key

A strong letter of recommendation should be personalized and tailored specifically to you. It should highlight your unique strengths, abilities, and accomplishments, and demonstrate how these qualities make you an exceptional candidate for Harvard University. Ensure your recommenders have a good understanding of your academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as your personal qualities that set you apart.

2. Provide Specific Examples

General statements like “she’s a great student” or “he’s a hard worker” won’t leave a lasting impression. Instead, encourage your recommenders to provide specific examples of your accomplishments, leadership roles, and impactful contributions. These concrete examples will give the admissions committee a clear understanding of your abilities and demonstrate your capacity for success at Harvard.

3. Highlight Your Impact

Letters of recommendation should focus on showcasing the impact you’ve made in your academic, extracurricular, and community endeavors. Whether it’s leading a research project, initiating a community service program, or excelling in team collaborations, emphasize how your actions have brought about positive change and have contributed to the betterment of those around you.

“[Candidate’s name] is an exceptional individual whose commitment to academic excellence and dedication to social impact are truly commendable. Her ability to analyze complex problems and propose innovative solutions is unmatched. In our research project, she played a vital role in driving forward groundbreaking discoveries…”

4. Authentic Voice and Perspective

A strong letter of recommendation comes from someone who knows you well and can speak genuinely about your character and abilities. Encourage your recommenders to highlight their unique perspective and experiences with you, providing the admissions committee with a well-rounded view of who you are as a person.

5. Enthusiasm and Passion

A letter of recommendation that exudes enthusiasm and passion for your candidacy can make a lasting impression. Recommenders who can convey their excitement about your potential can greatly influence the admissions committee’s perception of you. It’s important to choose recommenders who genuinely believe in your abilities and are excited to support your application to Harvard.

6. Request Early and Provide Guidance

Don’t wait until the last minute to request your letters of recommendation. Give your recommenders ample time to write thoughtful and impactful letters by requesting them well in advance. Additionally, provide them with guidance on what aspects of your character and achievements you would like them to highlight. This will help ensure that the recommendations align with your overall application strategy.

Incorporating these tips will assist you in crafting strong letters of recommendation that showcase your unique qualities and make a lasting impression on the Harvard University admissions committee. By carefully selecting recommenders who can truly speak to your abilities and accomplishments, and by providing them with specific guidance, you can increase your chances of standing out among the competition and securing your place at Harvard University.

Crafting Personal Statements for Recommendations

When applying to Harvard University, it is crucial to understand the specific requirements and expectations for personal statements in recommendation letters. Crafting a strong and tailored personal statement can greatly enhance your chances of standing out among other applicants and showcasing your fit for Harvard’s academic community.

Harvard University values personal statements that reflect the applicant’s unique experiences, accomplishments, and aspirations. It is essential to align your statement with the university’s core values, such as intellectual curiosity, leadership, and community engagement.

To craft an impactful personal statement, consider the following:

  1. Reflect on your experiences: Think about the moments, challenges, or achievements that have shaped your academic journey and passion for your chosen field.
  2. Showcase your growth: Highlight instances where you have demonstrated personal growth, resilience, and the ability to learn from setbacks.
  3. Connect with your recommenders: Collaborate closely with your recommenders to ensure that your personal statement complements their letters and provides a well-rounded view of your abilities.
  4. Be genuine and authentic: Harvard values authenticity, so make sure that your personal statement conveys who you are as a person and demonstrates your unique perspective.
  5. Outline your future goals: Discuss your aspirations and how your time at Harvard will help you achieve them. Show how you plan to contribute to the university community and make a positive impact.

By crafting a compelling personal statement that resonates with Harvard’s values, you can significantly enhance your application. Remember to leverage your experiences, demonstrate personal growth, and outline your future goals to create a persuasive narrative that reflects your fit for Harvard University.

Cultivating Relationships with Recommenders

When it comes to securing strong letters of recommendation for your Harvard University application, building meaningful relationships with your recommenders is crucial. By nurturing these connections, you can ensure their support in crafting impressive and personalized recommendation letters that truly showcase your abilities. Here are some strategies to cultivate relationships with your recommenders:

  1. Choose the right recommenders: Identify individuals who have worked closely with you and can speak to your skills, character, and potential. Consider professors, employers, or mentors who can provide valuable insights into your abilities and experiences.
  2. Initiate open and honest communication: Approach your recommenders professionally and express your interest in their support. Clearly articulate your goals, achievements, and aspirations, allowing them to fully understand your motivations for applying to Harvard.
  3. Provide necessary information: Furnish your recommenders with relevant details, including your academic and extracurricular accomplishments, goals, and the specific qualities you hope they will highlight in their letters. This information will help them craft tailored and impactful recommendations.
  4. Offer supporting materials: Share any relevant documents or essays that provide additional context for your application. These materials can give your recommenders a comprehensive understanding of your background and achievements.
  5. Follow up and express gratitude: Once your recommenders have agreed to write your letters, maintain regular communication throughout the application process. Remember to thank them sincerely for their time and effort in supporting your goals.

Building strong relationships with your recommenders establishes a foundation of trust and understanding. By effectively communicating your aspirations and providing them with the necessary information, you can ensure that they write compelling letters of recommendation that align with Harvard University’s expectations.

“Cultivating strong relationships with your recommenders is vital in ensuring that they can provide insightful and impactful letters of recommendation that highlight your unique qualities and achievements.”

Benefits of Cultivating Relationships with Recommenders Actions to Take
1. Personalized and impactful letters of recommendation Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your abilities
2. Clear understanding of your goals and aspirations Initiate open and honest communication about your motivations
3. Tailored recommendations that highlight specific qualities Provide recommenders with relevant information about your achievements
4. Comprehensive insight into your background and accomplishments Share supporting materials to provide additional context
5. Sustained support throughout the application process Follow up regularly and express gratitude for their assistance

Submitting and Tracking Recommendation Letters

Once you have curated impressive recommendation letters for your Harvard University application, it is crucial to navigate the process of submitting them effectively. Below, we provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to submit and track your recommendation letters to ensure they are received by the admissions office within the specified deadlines.

1. Submitting Recommendation Letters

Harvard University offers multiple options for submitting recommendation letters, providing flexibility to applicants. Take note of the following methods:

  1. Online Submission: Many recommenders prefer submitting letters online. Harvard utilizes an online application portal, allowing recommenders to upload their letters directly to your application profile. You should provide clear instructions to your recommenders on how to access and utilize this option effectively.
  2. Postal Mail: If your recommenders opt for traditional mail, ensure that they seal their recommendation letters in an envelope and sign their names across the envelope’s flap to maintain its confidentiality. You will need to provide the admissions office’s mailing address to your recommenders to facilitate this method.

Tip: It is essential to communicate with your recommenders and confirm their chosen submission method well in advance of the application deadline to avoid any last-minute surprises or delays.

2. Tracking Recommendation Letters

Tracking the status of your recommendation letters is crucial to ensure they have been successfully submitted and received by the admissions office. Harvard provides a user-friendly tracking system that allows you to monitor the progress of your recommendation letters. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your Harvard University application portal using your credentials.
  2. Access the “Recommendations” section of your application profile.
  3. Review the status of each recommendation letter. The system will indicate whether a letter has been received, pending, or not received.
  4. If any recommendation letters have not been received by the specified deadline, reach out to your recommenders and kindly remind them to submit the letters promptly.

Tip: Regularly check your application portal for updates and send gentle reminders to recommenders, especially as the deadline approaches, to ensure all letters are received on time.

Submission Method Pros Cons
Online Submission Ease of submission Dependent on recommender’s technical proficiency
Postal Mail Traditional and confidential Potential for delay or loss in mail

Showcasing Diversity in Recommendation Letters

When it comes to crafting recommendation letters for Harvard University, showcasing diversity is key. Highlighting different perspectives, experiences, and attributes can create a comprehensive and well-rounded portrayal of your abilities.

Utilize the opportunity to leverage the unique qualities you possess and emphasize the diverse contributions you can bring to the Harvard community. Consider the following strategies when showcasing diversity in your recommendation letters:

  1. Emphasize different academic strengths: Highlight your accomplishments in diverse academic areas to demonstrate your versatility.
  2. Highlight varied extracurricular involvement: Showcase your participation in a range of extracurricular activities, clubs, or organizations to showcase your ability to thrive in different contexts.
  3. Showcase diverse perspectives: Discuss instances where your unique viewpoint contributed to a collaborative environment or problem-solving process.
  4. Illustrate cultural competency: Describe instances where your understanding and appreciation of different cultures and backgrounds have been instrumental in your personal growth or leadership experiences.

Incorporating these elements into your recommendation letters can help paint a vivid picture of your abilities and demonstrate your readiness to contribute to the diverse and inclusive atmosphere at Harvard University.

Benefits of Showcasing Diversity in Recommendation Letters Examples
Creates a well-rounded portrayal of your abilities Highlighting your success in both scientific research and artistic endeavors.
Highlights your adaptability and versatility Illustrating your involvement in sports, music, and community service.
Demonstrates your ability to collaborate effectively Describing how your multicultural background enhances your teamwork skills.
Illustrates your commitment to diversity and inclusivity Showcasing your engagement with social justice organizations and initiatives.


In conclusion, crafting strong letters of recommendation is a crucial aspect of the Harvard University admission process. These letters provide valuable insights into your character, accomplishments, and potential as a student. By following the guidelines and tips outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your recommendation letters stand out and enhance your application.

Remember that requesting letters of recommendation requires professionalism and effective communication. Build strong relationships with your recommenders and provide them with the necessary information to write compelling and personalized letters. Your personal statements within these letters should align with Harvard’s values and showcase your fit for their academic community.

Additionally, don’t underestimate the impact of diversity in your recommendation letters. Highlighting different perspectives, experiences, and attributes can provide a comprehensive and well-rounded portrayal of your abilities. This can further enhance your chances of gaining admission to Harvard University.

As you navigate the submission and tracking process, ensure that your recommendation letters are sent to the admissions office within the specified deadlines. Stay organized and follow up professionally to ensure a smooth application process.


What is the importance of letters of recommendation in the Harvard University admission process?

Letters of recommendation play a crucial role in the Harvard University admission process. They provide insight into your character, abilities, and potential contributions to the academic community. Admissions committees rely on these letters to gain a more holistic view of your qualifications and determine your fit for Harvard.

What format should I follow when writing letters of recommendation for Harvard University?

When writing letters of recommendation for Harvard University, it is recommended to follow a specific format. Begin with a strong introduction, provide specific examples and anecdotes that highlight the applicant’s strengths, and conclude with a thoughtful assessment of their potential. It is important to keep the letter concise, focused, and tailored to the specific requirements and values of Harvard University.

How do I request letters of recommendation for my Harvard University application?

When requesting letters of recommendation for your Harvard University application, it is crucial to approach potential recommenders professionally and provide them with the necessary information to write a strong recommendation. Start by selecting individuals who know you well academically or professionally. Communicate your goals and aspirations, provide them with relevant supporting materials, and request their assistance in crafting a compelling letter. Don’t forget to follow up with a thank-you note and keep them informed of your application status.

What are the key elements that make a strong letter of recommendation for Harvard University?

A strong letter of recommendation for Harvard University should showcase the applicant’s unique qualities, accomplishments, and potential contributions. It should be personalized, highlighting specific examples and anecdotes that demonstrate their abilities and character. The letter should also address the applicant’s fit for Harvard by emphasizing their alignment with the university’s values and academic community. It is important to provide a balanced assessment of their strengths and areas for growth, showcasing a comprehensive view of their capabilities.

What are the specific requirements for personal statements in recommendation letters for Harvard University?

When crafting personal statements in recommendation letters for Harvard University, it is essential to align them with the university’s values and expectations. Tailor the statements to showcase how the applicant’s experiences, skills, and aspirations align with Harvard’s academic community. Highlight their unique perspectives and achievements, and emphasize their potential to make a distinct impact on campus. It is crucial to ensure that the personal statements complement the rest of the application and provide a well-rounded portrayal of the applicant’s abilities.

How can I cultivate strong relationships with my recommenders?

Cultivating strong relationships with your recommenders is crucial to obtaining compelling letters of recommendation. Start by establishing open lines of communication, sharing your goals, achievements, and aspirations. Provide them with timely updates on your progress and express your gratitude for their support. Additionally, offer to assist them with any tasks or projects they may need help with. Building meaningful connections can help them understand your unique abilities and create more personalized and impactful letters of recommendation.

How do I submit and track my recommendation letters for Harvard University?

To submit your recommendation letters for Harvard University, follow the specific instructions provided by the admissions office. Ensure that each letter is sealed, signed across the seal, and submitted directly to the admissions office by the recommender. Keep track of the submission deadlines to ensure all letters are received on time. You can also check the status of your letters through the application portal or by contacting the admissions office directly.

How can I showcase diversity in my recommendation letters for Harvard University?

Showcasing diversity in your recommendation letters for Harvard University is essential. Encourage your recommenders to highlight the unique attributes, perspectives, and experiences that you bring to the table. Emphasize the ways in which your diverse background can contribute to the richness of the academic community. By showcasing your personal and cultural diversity, you demonstrate your potential to enhance the diversity and inclusivity of Harvard’s campus.

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